API Access
API Access¶
Tactical RMM uses a Django Rest Framework backend which is designed to be consumed by a VueJS frontend.
Therefore, anything you can do via the web interface, you can do via the API.
However this makes it difficult to document the API as it has only been designed to be consumed by our vue frontend.
The easiest way to see what endpoint/payload you need to send is to open your browser's developer tools > Network tab. Then, perform the action you wish to do via the api in Tactical's web interface and watch the network tab to see the endpoint and the payload that is generated, and use that as an example of how to structure your api request.
Please note that using an API key will bypass 2FA authentication.
Please note that Tactical RMM, rigorously battle-tested and proven for production readiness, adheres to Semantic Versioning. However, as we have not reached a 1.0.0 release, be advised that the API is still evolving and may experience breaking changes.
When creating the key you'll need to choose a user, which will reflect what permissions the key has based on the user's role.
Navigate to Settings > Global Settings > API Keys to generate a key.
Pay attention to your trailing /
they matter.
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Example curl request:
curl https://api.example.com/clients/ -H "X-API-KEY: Y57BXCFAA9WBCXH0XTEL6R5KAK69CNCZ"
Enable Swagger¶
This will let you add a browser interface to see how you can use the API better.
Open /rmm/api/tacticalrmm/tacticalrmm/local_settings.py
and add
Restart Django: sudo systemctl restart rmm.service
Then visit https://api.example.com/api/schema/swagger-ui/
to see it in action.
Beta API¶
Version added: Tactical RMM v0.16.5
A beta API is now available at /beta/v1
which supports filtering and pagination.
To activate it, first enable swagger (see above) and then add the following line to /rmm/api/tacticalrmm/tacticalrmm/local_settings.py
Then restart Django with: sudo systemctl restart rmm.service
and check Swagger for usage.
Querying the API¶
Here are some examples:
Example Code
Requests Windows Update check to run against agent ID
import requests
API = "http://api.example.com"
"Content-Type": "application/json",
def trigger_update_scan():
agents = requests.get(f"{API}/agents/?detail=false", headers=HEADERS)
for agent in agents.json():
r = requests.post(f"{API}/winupdate/{agent['agent_id']}/scan/", headers=HEADERS)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Example - Get all agents using API
$headers = @{
'X-API-KEY' = 'ABC1234567890987654321'
$url = "https://api.yourdomain.com/agents/"
$agentsResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Get' -Uri $url -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json"
foreach ($agent in $agentsResult) {
Write-Host $agent
#Write-Host $agent.hostname
# Example - Send PowerShell command to agent. Make sure to pass {{agent.agent_id}} as a parameter
$headers = @{
'X-API-KEY' = 'ABC1234567890987654321'
$url = "https://api.yourdomain.com/agents/$AgentId/cmd/"
$body = @{
"shell" = "powershell"
"cmd" = "dir c:\\users"
"timeout" = 30
$commandResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Uri $url -Body ($body|ConvertTo-Json) -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json"
Write-Host $commandResult
Running a Script on an Agent Using the API¶
to the endpoint /agents/<agentid>/runscript/
"output": "forget",
"emails": [],
"emailMode": "default",
"custom_field": null,
"save_all_output": false,
"script": 102, // primary key of script in postgres
"args": [
"env_vars": [],
"run_as_user": false,
"timeout": 90 // seconds
Example: Run a script on an agent
$apiUrl = 'https://api.example.com/agents/CHANGEME/runscript/'
$jsonPayload = @{
output = "wait"
emails = @()
emailMode = "default"
custom_field = $null
save_all_output = $false
script = 20
args = @()
env_vars = @()
run_as_user = $false
timeout = 90
} | ConvertTo-Json
$headers = @{
'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
'X-API-KEY' = 'changeme'
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiUrl -Method Post -Body $jsonPayload -Headers $headers
API via CLI¶
API Examples¶
Listing all software on all agents:
import requests
API = "https://api.example.com"
"Content-Type": "application/json",
def get_software():
agents = requests.get(f"{API}/agents/?detail=false", headers=HEADERS) # get a list of all agents
for agent in agents.json(): # loop thru all agents and print list of installed software
r = requests.get(f"{API}/software/{agent['agent_id']}/", headers=HEADERS)
if __name__ == "__main__":