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Tactical RMM supports uploading existing scripts or creating new scripts from within the web interface.

Windows agent languages supported:

There is RunAsUser functionality for Windows.

Linux/Mac languages supported:

  • Any language that is installed on the remote machine (use a shebang at the top of the script to set the interpreter)
  • nu
  • deno (Javascript and TypeScript)

Writing Your Own Scripts

Guidelines for Writing Non-Interactive Scripts for Tactical RMM Tactical RMM can play a crucial role in managing IT infrastructure efficiently. Scripts used should ideally be non-interactive to ensure they can run without manual intervention, streamlining operations and automating routine tasks. Here are some guidelines for writing effective non-interactive scripts for use with Tactical RMM:

  1. Design for Automation
  2. Non-Interactive Execution: Scripts should execute without requiring user input. Use default values and configuration files to control behaviour instead of interactive prompts.
  3. Idempotency: Ensure scripts can be run multiple times without causing issues, producing the same results without unintended side effects.
  4. Error Handling and Logging
  5. Comprehensive Error Handling: Anticipate potential errors and handle them gracefully within the script. Avoid crashes or uncontrolled exits.
  6. Logging: Implement detailed logging mechanisms. Logs should capture key events, errors, and status messages to aid in troubleshooting and auditing.
  7. Use Clear, Understandable Code
  8. Code Readability: Write code that is easy to understand and maintain. Use comments judiciously to explain the purpose of functions and complex logic.
  9. Modular Design: Break down scripts into functions or modules based on functionality. This enhances readability and reuse.
  10. Security Best Practices
  11. Secure Coding: Avoid common security pitfalls, such as hard-coding sensitive information. Use secure methods to handle credentials and other confidential data.
  12. Minimize Privileges: Run scripts with the least privilege necessary to accomplish the task.
  13. Testing and Validation
  14. Comprehensive Testing: Test scripts in a controlled environment before deploying them through the Tactical RMM. Consider edge cases and test under different conditions to ensure reliability. Generally test first locally on a test machine, then use Remote Background before adding to script manager.
  15. Validation: Validate outputs and effects of the script to ensure they align with expectations. Use checks within the script to confirm actions were successful.
  16. Documentation
  17. Internal Documentation: Include header comments in each script detailing its purpose, author, date, and any prerequisites or dependencies.
  18. Environment Compatibility
  19. Cross-Platform Considerations: If scripts are expected to run in diverse environments, account for differences in operating systems, shell versions, and available utilities.
  20. Dependencies: Clearly document any external dependencies. Prefer built-in tools and commands to minimize dependency issues.
  21. Feedback and Reporting
  22. Status Reporting: Ensure scripts report their completion status back to the Tactical RMM, allowing for automated monitoring and alerting on failures or critical events.
  23. Feedback Loops: Incorporate feedback from script execution into continuous improvement processes. Refine scripts based on operational experience and evolving requirements.
  24. Version Control
  25. Change Management: Use version control systems (e.g., Git) to manage script versions. Track changes and maintain a history of modifications for audit and rollback purposes.
  26. Compliance and Standards
  27. Follow Standards: Adhere to coding standards and best practices for the scripting languages being used.
  28. Compliance: Ensure scripts comply with organizational policies and regulatory requirements, especially those handling data privacy and security.

By following these guidelines, you can create robust, secure, and efficient non-interactive scripts that leverage the full capabilities of Tactical RMM to automate and streamline IT management tasks.

Adding Scripts

In the dashboard, browse to Settings > Scripts Manager. Click the New button and select either Upload Script or New Script. The available options for scripts are:

  • Name - This identifies the script in the dashboard.
  • Description - Optional description for the script.
  • Category - Optional way to group similar scripts together.
  • Type - This sets the language of the script. Available options are:

    • PowerShell
    • Windows Batch
    • Python
    • Shell (use for Linux/macOS scripts)
    • Nushell
    • Deno
  • Script Arguments - Optional way to set default arguments for scripts. These will auto populate when running scripts and can be changed at runtime. Logged on Windows Event Viewer > Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows> PowerShell > Operational

  • Environment vars - Optional way to set default arguments for scripts using Environment Variables. These will auto populate when running scripts and can be changed at runtime. Not logged, better to use when passing data you don't want logged
  • Default Timeout - Sets the default timeout of the script and will stop script execution if the duration surpasses the configured timeout. Can be changed at script runtime.
  • Favorite - Favorites the script.

Downloading Scripts

To download a Tactical RMM Script, click on the script in the Script Manager to select it. Then click the Download Script button on the top. You can also right-click on the script and select download.

Community Scripts

These are script that are built into Tactical RMM. They are provided and maintained by the Tactical RMM community. These scripts are updated whenever Tactical RMM is updated and can't be modified or deleted in the dashboard.

Hiding Community Scripts

You can choose to hide community script throughout the dashboard by opening Script Manager and clicking the Show/Hide Community Scripts toggle button.

Using Scripts

Manual run on agent

In the Agent Table, you can right-click on an agent and select Run Script. You have the options of:

  • Wait for Output - Runs the script and waits for the script to finish running and displays the output.
  • Fire and Forget - Starts the script and does not wait for output.
  • Email Output - Starts the script and will email the output. Allows for using the default email address in the global settings or adding a new email address.
  • Save as Note - Saves the output as a Note that can be views in the agent Notes tab.
  • Collector - Saves to output to the specified custom field.

There is also an option on the agent context menu called Run Favorited Script. This will pre-populate the script run dialog with the script of your choice.

Script Execution Process

Script Arguments

The Script Arguments field should be pre-filled with information for any script that can accept or requires parameters.

 <Required Parameter Name> <string>
 [-<Optional Parameter Name> <string>]
 [-<string> {(<default string if not specified>) | <string2> | <string3>}]

Where [] indicates an optional parameter

and {} indicates a parameter with several preconfigured parameter

and () indicates a default parameter if none is specified.

Starting with 0.15.4 you can use environment variables to pass them too!

Run Script on many agents at once

Under the Tools menu -> Bulk Script you can execute scripts against Clients/Sites/Selected Agents/All based on All/Servers/Workstations. The history is saved in the history tab of the agent. The history can also be retrieved from the API from the /agents/history/ endpoint.

Run Command on many agents at once

Under the Tools menu -> Bulk Command you can execute a command against Clients/Sites/Selected Agents/All based on All/Servers/Workstations. The history is saved in the history tab of the agent. The history can also be retrieved from the API from the /agents/history/ endpoint.

Automated Tasks

Tactical RMM allows scheduling tasks to run on agents. This leverages the Windows Task Scheduler and has the same scheduling options.

See Automated Tasks for configuring automated tasks.

Script Checks

Scripts can also be run periodically on an agent and trigger an alert if it fails.

Important: When utilizing PowerShell scripts and manually assigning an exit code, it's essential to define the exit code using the following syntax: $host.SetShouldExit(EXITCODE). Here, EXITCODE represents the desired exit code number. For instance, to assign an exit code of 3, use $host.SetShouldExit(3).

Alert Failure/Resolve Actions

Scripts can be triggered when an alert is triggered and resolved. This script will run on any online agent and supports passing the alert information as arguments.

For configuring Alert Templates, see Alerting

See below for populating dashboard data in scripts and the available options.

Using dashboard data in scripts

Tactical RMM allows passing in dashboard data to scripts as arguments. The below PowerShell arguments will get the client name of the agent and also the agent's public IP address.

-ClientName {{}} -PublicIP {{agent.public_ip}}


Everything between {{}} is CaSe sEnSiTive

See a full list of possible built-in variables Here

Getting Custom Field values

Tactical RMM supports pulling data from custom fields using the {{model.custom_field_name}} syntax.

See Using Custom Fields in Scripts.

Getting values from the Global Keystore

Tactical RMM supports getting values from the global key store using the {{global.key_name}} syntax.

See Global Keystore.

Script Snippets

Script Snippets allow you to create common code blocks or comments and apply them to all of your scripts. This could be initialization code, common error checking, or even code comments.

Adding Script Snippets

In the dashboard, browse to Settings > Scripts Manager. Click the Script Snippets button.

  • Name - This identifies the script snippet in the dashboard
  • Description - Optional description for the script snippet
  • Shell - This sets the language of the script. Available options are:
    • PowerShell
    • Windows Batch
    • Python

Using Script Snippets

When editing a script, you can add template tags to the script body that contains the script snippet name. For example, if a script snippet exists with the name "Check WMF", you would put {{Check WMF}} in the script body and the snippet code will be replaced.


Everything between {{}} is CaSe sEnSiTive

The template tags will only be visible when Editing the script. When downloading or viewing the script code the template tags will be replaced with the script snippet code.

PowerShell 7

Shell Type: PowerShell

Command: Start-Process nohup 'pwsh -noprofile -c "1..120 | % { Write-Host . -NoNewline; sleep 1 }"'


Tactical installs Python 3.8 on Windows and uses the default Python on other OS's. It is suggested to write code targeting Python 3.8 to prevent incompatibilities across platforms.

How do you target a specific version? The shebang can specify the interpreter on macOS and Linux, but since Windows does not use the shebang, the interpreter needs to be specified by the calling program. This is probably why Python is installed by TRMM on Windows because it knows where the Python executable is.

Ok, so how do you use the shebang? Take this hello world script for example. The shebang #! in this script will use /usr/bin/python3. This is easy enough until you run across a system where the system Python is not the expected 3.8 or later.

print("Hello World!")

This is where env comes into play. env will search the $PATH for the executable that matches the argument. In this case, the script will be run by the first "python3" found in $PATH. However, what if python3 points to python3.6? You're in the same boat you were in before.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
print("Hello World!")

Or are you? If you read the env man page, it states you can add parameters to the command line. In case you didn't know, the shebang is the command line! env will modify the $PATH before searching for python3, allowing you to use a custom python location.

#!/usr/bin/env PATH="/opt/my-python/3.8/:$PATH" python3
print("Hello World!")

Wait! Isn't the shebang a shell script, not a Python script? In TRMM, a "Shell" script and a "Python" script are treated the same except that Python scripts also work on Windows. On Linux and macOS, "Shell" and "Python" scripts are treated the same.

Script Type OS Supported
Python Windows Yes
Python Linux Yes
Python macOS Yes
Shell Windows No
Shell Linux Yes
Shell macOS Yes

Python version references

OS Python version Installed by TRMM
Windows 3.8 Yes
Linux, Debian 10 (Buster) (end of life) 3.7 No
Linux, Debian 11 (Bullseye) 3.9 No
Linux, Debian 12 (Bookworm) 3.12 No
Linux, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 3.8 No
Linux, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 3.10 No
macOS Ventura 3.8 No
macOS Monterey 12.3 2.7 removed No
macOS Catalina 10.15 2.7 (not recommended to use) No

Targeting a specific version

Python compiles the script into bytecode and then executes it. Because of the compilation step, errors due to language constructs introduced in a later version of Python will cause the script to fail. For example, Python 3.10 introduced the "match" term as their version of a case or switch statement.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

match "term":
    case "Nope":
        print("No match found")
    case "term":
        print("Found match!")
    case _:
        print("Default if nothing matches")

The same code will work on Python 3.10.

$ python3.10
Found match!

The same code fails on versions prior to 3.10.

$ python3.6
  File "", line 3
    match "term":
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Nu is a new type of shell. Like PowerShell, Nu passes objects from one command to the next. For example, this script will list processes that are more than 100MB.

ps | where mem >= 100MB

There are some important points to keep in mind when writing Nu scripts. See the Thinking in Nu for details. Some highlights:

  1. The > is the greater-than operator, not redirection. Use | save some-file.txt
  2. Variables are immutable, or constant. Use mut to make a variable mutable.
  3. Currently Nu does not support background tasks. long-running-command & will not work.

Nu has a Discord server if you have questions.

To disable this feature, add the following to


Example Nushell Script

The below script find processes sorted by greatest cpu utilization.

ps | sort-by cpu | reverse


Deno is considered to be the next iteration of Node.js. Deno uses ECMAScript modules (a.k.a ES Modules or ESM) syntax, not CommonJS (CJS). I.e. use import * from instead of require('./local/file.js').

Tactical RMM runs Deno scripts with the following permissions:


See the documentation on permissions for details.

To override this, either:

  1. Add the DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS string variable with the permissions requested to or
  2. Set the DENO_PERMISSIONS environment variable to the permissions requested in your script.

To disable this feature, add the following to


Example Deno Script

The below script prints basic system information:

async function gatherSystemInfo() {
  const os =;
  const arch =;
  const memory = Deno.systemMemoryInfo();

  const info = `
OS: ${os}
Architecture: ${arch}
Total Memory: ${(await memory).total / 1024 / 1024} MB
Free Memory: ${(await memory).free / 1024 / 1024} MB



Example Scripts

Example PowerShell Script

The below script takes five named values. The arguments will look like this: -SiteName {{}} -ClientName {{}} -PublicIP {{agent.public_ip}} -CustomField {{client.AV_KEY}} -Global {{global.API_KEY}}

param (
   [string] $SiteName,
   [string] $ClientName,
   [string] $PublicIp,
   [string] $CustomField,
   [string] $Global

Write-Output "Site: $SiteName"
Write-Output "Client: $ClientName"
Write-Output "Public IP: $PublicIp"
Write-Output "Custom Fields: $CustomField"
Write-Output "Global: $Global"

Example Shell Script

The below script prints the user running the script.

#!/usr/bin/env bash