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Community Support

Free Support: Available through Discord and Github tickets.

We help people get started with Tactical RMM using supported methods as documented here in the public documentation.

We may give pointers, or provide additional troubleshooting steps if we believe your issue may be related to a recent update or bug.

Commercial Support

Paid Support: See pricing table for support plans.

Fully managed hosted servers are also available.

Public RSA Keys

Steps to provide the developers SSH access to your server for troubleshooting:

  1. SSH into your server as the linux user you used to install tacticalrmm (tactical if you followed the install guide).

  2. Add our public key:

    mkdir -p ~/.ssh
    echo 'ssh-rsa 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 support@amidaware' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

  3. Ensure the tactical linux user has passwordless sudo:

    sudo visudo
    Add the following line to the end of the file which will be opened by running the above command, then save and exit the file.
    tactical   ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL