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BitDefender GravityZone Deployment

How to Deploy BitDefender GravityZone

From the UI go to Settings > Global Settings > CUSTOM FIELDS > Clients.

Add a Custom Field:

Target = CLIENTS
Name = bdurl
Field Type = Text

Service Name

Log into your GravityZone and on the left hand side, select Network > Packages.

Service Name

Select the client you are working with and click "Send Download Links" at the top.

Service Name

Copy the appropriate download link.

Service Name

Paste download link into the bdurl when you right click your target clients name in the RMM.

Service Name

Right-click the Agent you want to deploy to and Run Script. Select BitDefender GravityZone Install and set timeout for 1800 seconds.

Install time will vary based on internet speed and other AV removal by BitDefender BEST deployment

How to onboard a new company

Use these procedures to onboard a new company in Bitdefender.

  1. Go to Companies > Add Company and fill out the details. The company type is "Customer". Add Company
  2. Fill out the next tab for the authentication.
  3. Fill out the last tab for the licensing. You probably want to use Monthly Subscription so that it's added to your monthly MSP subscription. Add Company Licensing Options
  4. Next go to Network > Packages > Add to add a new package download for the company. Each company should have a separate download. Add Network Package
  5. Select the company > Send download links. The Windows link is needed for the TRMM script to install Bitdefender. The Linux and Mac installer links are also provided but the script is for Windows only. Add Network Package

Alert types

There are two general types of alerts: email and dashboard. While you may get both types of alerts for an incident, they are not the same and configuring the exclusions are not the same. This section explains both types and how to add the exclusions for each.

Process alert

This is a process alert that is emailed and as the name suggests, it kills the process. If the parent process is C:\Windows\System32\services.exe, the process is a service that just died. The detection type, ATC/IDS, indicates the exclusion will need to include the ATC/IDS module.

Detected Exploit
A harmful process has been detected by Behavior Scan on the following endpoint in your network:

Detected Exploit Details
Company: ACME Company, Inc.
Computer Name: PC-Desktop01
Computer IP:
Installed Agent: Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools
Command Line: C:\Program Files\TacticalAgent\tacticalrmm.exe -m svc
Parent Process Path: C:\Windows\System32\services.exe
Parent PID: 852
Exploit Type: ATC Application
Exploit Path: C:\Program Files\TacticalAgent\tacticalrmm.exe
Exploit Status: ATC/IDS Disinfected
Last Blocked: 08 December 2022 08:55:59
Logged User: SYSTEM

Process notifications are configured in 🔔 Notifications > ⚙ Settings > ATC/IDS event.

Notification Settings

Quarantine alert

When a file is detected, it is quarantined by moving it to an encrypted folder on the endpoint. Email notifications cannot be configured for quarantined files, although they are available via the API. The threat name, Atc4.Detection, indicates the exclusion needs to include the ATC/IDS module.

Quarantined Files

Troubleshooting and problem resolution

MeshAgent.exe quarantine corrupts Mesh Agent service

When Bitdefender quarantines MeshAgent.exe, the service is corrupted. Here is what the service looks like before the quarantine.

[PC-Desktop3]: PS C:\> Get-CimInstance Win32_Service -Filter 'Name = "Mesh Agent"' | Format-List *

Name                    : Mesh Agent
Status                  : OK
ExitCode                : 0
DesktopInteract         : True
ErrorControl            : Ignore
PathName                : "C:\Program Files\Mesh Agent\MeshAgent.exe"
ServiceType             : Own Process
StartMode               : Auto
Caption                 : Mesh Agent
Description             : Mesh Agent background service
InstallDate             :
CreationClassName       : Win32_Service
Started                 : True
SystemCreationClassName : Win32_ComputerSystem
SystemName              : PC-Desktop3
AcceptPause             : False
AcceptStop              : True
DisplayName             : Mesh Agent
ServiceSpecificExitCode : 0
StartName               : LocalSystem
State                   : Running
TagId                   : 0
CheckPoint              : 0
DelayedAutoStart        : False
ProcessId               : 7612
WaitHint                : 0
PSComputerName          :
CimClass                : root/cimv2:Win32_Service
CimInstanceProperties   : {Caption, Description, InstallDate, Name...}
CimSystemProperties     : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties

This is what the service looks like after MeshAgent.exe is quarantined. Notice the PathName, ServiceType, StartMode are "Unknown", and some properties are blank.

[PC-Desktop3]: PS C:\> Get-CimInstance Win32_Service -Filter 'Name = "Mesh Agent"' | Format-List *

Name                    : Mesh Agent
Status                  : OK
ExitCode                : 1067
DesktopInteract         :
ErrorControl            : Unknown
PathName                :
ServiceType             : Unknown
StartMode               : Unknown
Caption                 : Mesh Agent
Description             :
InstallDate             :
CreationClassName       : Win32_Service
Started                 : False
SystemCreationClassName : Win32_ComputerSystem
SystemName              : PC-Desktop3
AcceptPause             : False
AcceptStop              : False
DisplayName             : Mesh Agent
ServiceSpecificExitCode : 0
StartName               :
State                   : Stopped
TagId                   :
CheckPoint              : 0
DelayedAutoStart        :
ProcessId               : 0
WaitHint                : 0
PSComputerName          :
CimClass                : root/cimv2:Win32_Service
CimInstanceProperties   : {Caption, Description, InstallDate, Name...}
CimSystemProperties     : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties

Restoring MeshAgent.exe from quarantine will make it "look" normal but will not have any permissions. Renaming, deleting or moving the file results in a permission denied error. After a reboot, the MeshAgent.exe will be missing.

[PC-Desktop3]: PS C:\Program Files\Mesh Agent> Rename-Item -Path .\MeshAgent.exe -NewName .\MeshAgent-Restored.exe
Rename-Item : Access to the path is denied.
    + CategoryInfo          : PermissionDenied: (C:\Program File...t\MeshAgent.exe:String) [Rename-Item], Unauthorized
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RenameItemUnauthorizedAccessError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RenameItemCommand

The best path for recovery is to leave the file in quarantine and run the Win_TRMM_Mesh_Install.ps1 script to have Tactical RMM install the Mesh Agent. The existing config will be used and there will not be duplicates.