Getting Started Guide¶
Install the server, choose the best path
Post Install¶
- Setup Email Alerts
- Setup SMS Alerts
- Create a Default Alert Template and assign (either Global, or using Automation Policies)
- Set Server Preferences Under
Global Settings > General
- Review User Settings
- Set Retention Policies under Under
Global Settings > Retention
- Read thru the FAQ
Setup Automation Policies¶
- Default Profile for workstations
Settings menu > Global Settings > General
- Default Profile for servers
Settings menu > Global Settings > General
- Decide on Windows Updates policy
- Create Onboarding Tasks and apply according to how you want to manage them.
Multiple Users¶
- Setup Permission Manager
Settings menu > Permission Manager
- Add users to Permission Groups
Settings menu > User Administration
Every 75 days¶
- TRMM Server OS updates
- Reboot TRMM server
- Renew LetsEncrypt Certs
- Update TRMM
- Check your backups. Especially scheduled ones and make sure you're running the latest
(You're reading the release notes at every update, right?)
- Clean up old agents
Don't do these things¶
Your Tactical NoNo List
- Clone agents with TRMM agent installed. Make your master image with no TRMM agent installed, script the install for first time boot after imaging.
- Do in place distro upgrades or move vms to new hardware, instead use Backup and Restore scripts to move the server to new vm's
- Run
more than once. They're one-shot scripts to be ran on clean VMs only. - Use TRMMs powers for Evil. Just don't, make better choices!